Sunday, February 26, 2017

Early signs of Spring

We have had a mild winter and are having an early Spring this year  Here are some crocuses blooming along our driveway.  I need to plant more of these.  They are a welcome first sign of Spring.
Purple crocuses are blooming next to our dog kennel -- well, it's a cat kennel now.
The leaf buds on the lilacs along the east garden fence are swelling and green.
These buds on my apricot trees seem to be about to burst open.  These are always my first fruit trees to bloom.
The buds on my plum trees are also showing a lot of green and swelling.
The bees again were active on this warm early Spring day.  Here bees are on the bottom entrance of the North hive.
Bees are also active at the top entrance of my North hive.
Bees are also flying at the bottom entrance of the middle hive.

And here are the bees on the bottom entrance of the South hive, showing that all three hives seem to remain active and healthy.  I hope to get into the tops of these hives on the next warm day in mid-March to see how their emergency sugar stores are holding out.

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