Friday, December 26, 2014

Bees flying on Boxing Day

The temperatures warmed up to 50 or so on the day after Christmas and some bees were flying around the hive entrances.  All three hives were showing some activity.  So far, so good.
The far south hive that was getting the most sun was most active.  These are the bees at the bottom entrance.
The bees had found the top entrances in the southern two hives.  I had cut a hole in the sugar block boxes on top of the hives to give them another entrance and to aid ventilation.
This is the bottom entrance of the middle "split" have with lots of bee activity.
There is some activity at the top entrance of this middle hive as well, though not as much.  I think the difference is due more to the amount of sun exposure and resultant relative temperature of each hive.
The north hive got the least sun and was showing the least activity, with only an occasional bee going in or out of the mouse guard.  You can see one bee going into a hole in the mouse guard on the far left.  If the temperature gets into the 50s and the sun is shining, this hive will be as active as the others.