Sunday, September 8, 2013

Late summer/early fall

The apples are getting close to ripe.  The branches on this Red Delicious apple tree are really weighed down with apples.
These Starkling Delicious pears are ripe and need to be picked before they drop and the animals get them.
The Concord Grapes have been purple for a while and I need to figure out how to tell when they are ripe, though I'm not sure that I'm ready to do anything with them this year.
The Norton grapes have turned a deep purple color and are probably also getting close to ripe.
The garden has kind of gotten away from me.  This weed patch is where my potatoes are that I need to start digging.  The weeds seem to have exploded even though we haven't had much rain in the latter part of the Summer.  We did have storms the night before these pictures that dumped 2 1/2 inches of rain on us so that should perk things up.  My tomatoes are ripening at a rapid pace that we just haven't been able to keep up with.  I should can some but we haven't done so yet.
My beautiful tall sweet corn was flattened by the storms that rolled through last night.  I didn't see signs of wind damage elsewhere, so not sure if it was wind or just the heavy rain.  I should get in her and grab whatever ears that I can.
No bee pictures this week.  The batteries in my camera were dead when I was ready to check my bees today.  New real new things to photograph anyway.  The weaker North hive continues to put out a lot of brood and this time, with the help of a magnifier, I think that I finally saw eggs.  The strong South have is starting to cap the honey in the third top super.  The fall honey flow should be starting up now as the goldenrod is just starting to bloom now.  I tried to buy an extractor this week to harvest some of that honey, but the supplier was out of the model that I wanted and said it would be at least two weeks before they had some in to sell.

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