Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bottling honey

I have some days off between the holidays and took the time to finally get some of my honey bottled from last summer.  This is from the honey extracted in July.  I bottled 24 1 pound bottles and 24 12 oz bears, but still have quite a bit of honey left from that batch--probably more than 20 bottles more.  I also have about four gallons of honey harvested in October.  I think that this honey is a little lighter than the honey that I harvested in my first year.

So far the winter has been fairly mild with a LOT of rain, especially in the past few days.  The weather is turning colder now more like a normal late December - early January winter.  Temperatures have gotten into the 50s and sometimes low 60s in the past few weeks and the bees have been flying from all hives when the sun is out.  So far, so good.

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