Sunday, November 22, 2015

First snow

The first snow of this winter arrived overnight.  It was just a light snow but it made everything seem clean and bright.
My tractor and implements still sitting out without protection get a light coating of snow.
The orchard under a blue sky.
The black berry patch holds a coat of snow well.  I still after two or three years have yet to add support wires to hold these canes up.  Perhaps I can get that done before these leaf out in Spring.
Grapevines in snow.  These vines took a lot of damage from Japanese beetles this year so I hope they all make it through the winter.

Ice in a puddle.

Deer have a habit of scraping their antlers on small trees, and have done considerable damage to this weeping cherry tree in our front yard not far from our front door.  Unfortunately I didn't get the fence around it until the damage had been done.  I hope the tree makes it.

There was similar damage to some of the larger lilac bushes that are growing along the east side of the garden fence.  It has taken forever for these bushes to get to this size so I hope that the deer do not set them back too far.

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