Saturday, May 25, 2013

Garden finally started
I have had a hard time getting my garden tilled this Spring because it has been so wet.  The farmers have been getting into their fields late too.  The ground had dried sufficiently a few weeks ago but we were going out of town.  Yesterday and the day before, though, the ground dried again and I finally got in and, by working until after dark, finally got the garden all tilled.  I stayed out late last night transplanting my 48 tomato plants and 24 pepper plants and 6 eggplants into the garden to get started.  I was hoping to continue planting this morning, though the weather forecast was for a "few showers possible".

My garden is made up of 7 plots, five of them about 12 x 36 and two are 6 x 36.  Unfortunately the "few showers" turned in to steady rain from 8 am to 2 pm today, with one inch in my gauge.
Here is my plot of 48 tomato plants, taken as soon as the rain stopped this afternoon.  At least my transplants are well-watered now, but my hopes of completing the planting of my garden this weekend are shot.
A close-up shot of two of a few of my tomato transplants.  They got rather large and leggy while waiting to be planted, so there is a lot of stem planted below ground.
Here is my planting of 24 pepper plants and 8 eggplants, looking more like a rice paddy than a vegetable garden.  I took this as soon as the rain stopped and I'm sure the water will quickly soak in.
My rhubarb plants are doing much better than I had hoped.  They dried up and disappeared so early last summer that I feared they were dead and not reappear, but they are almost big enough to harvest a few stalks.  If they continue to grow like this, I may have a pie yet this Spring.
My Concord grapes are growing vigorously and following the trellis this year.  You can see the buds of the flowers that will grow into clusters of grapes.
Here are some of my Norton grapes also doing well this year, though a bit behind the Concords.
The raspberries I planted this Spring are coming up.
The blackberries that I planted last year (and survived unlike the raspberries that I planted last year at the same time) are now blooming.
Its not just the cultivated blackberries that are blooming.  These wild black berries in our back yard are also blooming.
The bluebirds nesting in the box on the garden fence have a new batch of eggs.  This is the second brood to be laid here this Spring.

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