Monday, May 6, 2013

I decided to go for a walk in the woods behind our house to see if I could find any mushrooms.  This is the creek that runs through the East end of our property.
Another section of our creek showing its rocky creek bed.
My hunt, as you can see, was successful.  These mushrooms are maddeningly difficult to see among the litter on the forest floor.
However, with some careful searching I was able to find more than I had ever found on our property in one hunt.
Here are some May apples growing on a hillside.
A Jack-in-the-Pulpit plant growing at the base of a hill.
These are the results of my hunt -- a record find on this property for me.  We had lots of mushrooms with supper  two nights this week.
On Monday I inspected my bees one month after the packages were installed.  Both hives seemed to be doing well, though they put quite a bit of bridge comb between the boxes.  You can see it here on the top of the bottom box.  I scraped all of this off.
I am holding this frame sideways, and you can see the bridge comb along the bottom of the frame.  There was a lot of capped brood even in the top box, and I saw some drone brood for the first time -- I think there is some here at the top of the picture -- the cells that have a cover that looks puffed out a bit.
Here's another frame showing lots of covered brood worker brood cells and some drone cells along the bottom (right).  There is some capped honey in the far upper left side with white capping.
More of the same.  The hive is growing rapidly.  Both of the feeders were empty.

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