Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring in full bloom
Our fruit trees are in full bloom.  This is the largest cherry tree.
My Earliblaze apple tree was covered in blossoms -- more than I had ever seen.  When the weather was sunny and not too windy these trees were covered in honey bees.
My Lodi apple tree was also covered in blossoms.  All of my apple trees bloomed heavily this year, even the Golden Delicious tree that had failed to bloom much for several years after it was attacked by borers.  It has some dead limbs, but the living limbs were covered in blossoms so it seems to be recovering.
Here a honey bee works on of the apple blossoms.
The leaf buds on my Norton grape vines were opening and starting to unfurl.
The leaves on my Concord grape vines were a little farther along.
There are still some daffodils blooming along the east garden fence.
I have several different varieties planted along that fence.
The lilacs next to the house were coming into fragrant bloom.
The wild plants were also putting on a Spring show.  This is a Red Bud tree along my back yard fence.
The wild plum was also blooming and attracting bees.  This was also along the backyard fence.

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